Amazing Response

My inbox is overflowing with messages from people congratualating my team, asking questionsm, and pointng me at all the great press we’ve been getting. I awoke this morning over a hundred emails directly to me and my RSS reader overflowing with feeds.

I’ll be collecting the most common questions I get and will try to address them here. In the meantime here’s some links to articles and blog posts I’ve collected so far.

Engadget (another article)

PC Magazine

And my favorite so far…. Paul Thurrott gives us 5 stars:

“I’m excited about Windows Home Server in a way that I haven’t been about technology since the first time I laid eyes on Windows Media Center (“Freestyle”), back in early 2002. Enthusiasts are going to eat this thing up, and once more typical consumers catch on, I suspect Windows Home Server is going to find a huge market indeed. And that’s a good thing: Windows Home Server looks like a winner, and I can’t wait to get this thing up and running in my home.I’m excited about Windows Home Server in a way that I haven’t been about technology since the first time I laid eyes on Windows Media Center (“Freestyle”), back in early 2002. Enthusiasts are going to eat this thing up, and once more typical consumers catch on, I suspect Windows Home Server is going to find a huge market indeed. And that’s a good thing: Windows Home Server looks like a winner, and I can’t wait to get this thing up and running in my home.”

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