Scoble says the buzz has died?

First, I think the idea of having a conversation via blogs is funny. In his post today Robert says

“I hope to interview Charlie Kindel (he runs the Home Server group) when I visit Seattle later this month…“

Since he didn’t send me email with a request to meet, I guess I’m suppposed to reply via my blog as well. So here goes:

Hi, Robert. I’d love to chat with you when you are up in this area. I’m going to be on vacation (Tanzania; I can’t wait) the15th through the 25th so hopefully you’ll stick around over the weekend and we can meet on Monday the 26th. I’ll be watching your blog for a reponse.

Now, back on topic.

I was suprised that Robert thinks the buzz around Windows Home Server is lacking (“Already mentions of it have totally died off”). He seems to base his opinion on his searches for “Microsoft Home Server” on both Live and Google that didn’t turn up the right hits. At first I figured he raising a good point: I generally have assumed that everyone knows that we’ve named the product Windows Home Server and wouldn’t try to query for Microsoft Home Server. Perhaps I needed ask our marketing team if we “had a problem“.

It turns out, however, there is no problem at all: As of right now searching for “microsoft home server“ on either engine return precisely the results I would expect:

Who knows why Robert’s queries didn’t turn up relevant results. Perhaps he had a typo in his queries? Both engines have updated their indexes since he posted?  Things that make you go…Hmmm? 

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  1. Hey, you got my message! Heheh.

    Weird, I just visited your link to Google and the first link is to microsoftblogchannel, not a Microsoft site. I wonder if I’m getting different results because I’m here in Europe and not back home.

    As to meeting up, unfortunately I can’t stick around after Northern Voice so I guess I’ll miss you this time too. Oh, I’ll be back in early March for MS Research’s Tech Fest. Can we meet up then?

  2. Ian Dixon says:

    I have opended a forum up on my site and am featuring Windows Home Server on my podcast

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