Books I read in 2009

Mostly writing this for my own (future) benefit…  These are the books I read in 2009 with ratings/categorization:

Most were read on my Amazon Kindle (some on the DX, which I review here, others on my Kindle 2).  ***** means loved it. * means I hated it.

Science Fiction – By Iain M. Banks (Blog post on Iain M. Banks):

  • Matter (****)
  • Transition (****)
  • Look to Windward (*****)
  • Use of Weapons (*****)
  • Against a Dark Background  (****)

Science Fiction – By Charles Stross

  • Iron Sunrise
  • The Jennifer Morgue

Science Fiction – By Peter F. Hamilton (Blog post)

  • Pandora’s Star  (*****)
  • The Temporal Void (*****)
  • Judas Unchained (*****)
  • Fallen Dragon (****)

Other Science Fiction

  • Camouflage – Joe Haldeman (****)
  • His Majesty’s Dragon – Naomi Novik (***)
  • The Lost Feet: Relentless – Jack Campbell (***)
  • Double Star – Robert A. Heinlein (***)
  • Idiot’s Mask -  Cheeseburger Brown (****) <— He’s amazing!
  • The Christmas Robots – Cheeseburger Brown (***) <— He’s amazing!


  • Essential Silverlight 3 – Ashraf Michail (*** yes, I read this on the beach in Hawaii)
  • Learning XNA 3.0 – Aaron Reed (*** yes, I read this on the beach in Hawaii)
  • Essential C# 3.0 – Mark Michaelis (*** yes, I read this on the beach in Hawaii)


  • The Tourist – Olen Steinhauer (***)
  • Point of Impact – Stephen Hunter (***)
  • Night of Thunder: A Bob Lee Swagger Novel (***)
  • The Echelon Vendetta – David Stone (***)


  • Treasure Island – Robert Louis Stevenson (***)
  • Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea – Jules Verne (****)
  • Common Sense – Thomas Paine (*****)

Work stuff

  • The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn’t – Robert I. Sutton (***)
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