Old Man’s War

I wish I could read more books. I love reading. That’s the problem. I start a book, and if it’s any good, I read it cover to cover in one sitting. Even if it takes me 2 days. Instead of fixing this by being more discliplined about putting books down, I’ve taken the stance of just avoiding starting books. That way I can have a life.

This weekend, however, I  broke my rule (for the 2nd time in as many weeks), and read a book. This one was Old Man’s War by John Scalzi. I have always been a huge science fiction fan and literally grew up on Robert A. Heinlien novels. I’m sure John is getting sick of hearing this, but Old Man’s War reads just like a Heinlien book. Only better.

If you liked Heinlien and are looking for a good read, buy Old Man’s War and read it.

John Scalzi & I went to the same high-school (he was a year behind me I). I re-connected with John Scalzi last year when a high-school friend let me know John had a online book called Agent to The Stars. (I used Agent to the Stars for my Page 23 test).

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  1. I too grew up on Robert Heinlien – "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" was my first and favorite. I’ll have to checkout John Scalzi. Thanks for the recommendation.

  2. Chris Sells says:

    Aha! Now I remember where I got this recommendation! : )

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