Back from Africa

Day 1 – Arusha to Serena 162
Originally uploaded by ckindel.
We’re finally back from our amazing trip to East Africa. I thought I’d be able to jack in during our lay over at the Amsterdam airport and start to catch up on mail and start organizing photos. Almost 4000 of them.  But it didn’t happen.

I took my GPS with me and created track logs of everywhere we went. I’m really excited about geotagging all of my photos with GPS coordinates and then creating a mash-up showing where we were whent the pictures were taken. But from what I can see so far the tools for making this happen are all pretty primitive and not very automated…it’ll probably take me a while to piece it all together.

I did have a chance to post a few to my Flickr account and will continue to post the best of the best as I get a chance. But catching up on email is my top priority.

I got through some of my RSS feeds and see that the Windows Home Server Beta 2 rollout is proceeding nicely. It is fun seeing all the reports of people getting their kits and getting things set up!

This particular picture was taken on our first day…less than 15 minutes after we landed at an airstrip in the center of the Serengeti (Seronera) we came across this lion couple engaged in a little hanky panky. Pretty amazing start…

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