10 years ago I had hair. I and I loved COM.

Somewhere Henk de Koning unearthed a video of me taken 10 years ago yesterday touting The Component Object model.  Back then I was "the COM guy" and I had hair. Egads.

"Don blogged about a video of Gudge explaining COM. This reminded me of an old video I found while cleaning up my office. I promised Don to digitize and publish it. So, here it is. Charlie Kindel on the wonderful world of COM. recorded November 25, 1997.

Charlie 1
Charlie 1

Charlie 2
Charlie 2

Charlie 3
Charlie 3


I like to tell people that I have forgotten more about COM than most people will ever know. I also like to remind people that "Monikers are more powerful than you think."

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1 comment

  1. canem72 says:

    thank youu

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