Best Free Sci-Fi…Ever!

imageI don’t understand. I keep blogging about Cheesburger Brown and his amazing sci-fi books but he remains un-discovered. You would have thought this blog, which is read by billionsdozens of people, would have elevated him to Asimov status by now.

Oh, well, I’ll just keep trying.

Seriously, his stuff is really good and almost all of it is FREE:

  • The Darth Side: Memoirs of A Monster (Darth Vader’s Blog). Written in 2005 leading up to the release of The Revenge of The Sith. Hilarious.
  • Simon of Space. One of my favorite science fiction novels of all time. Unfortunately it’s no longer available on line/free, but you can buy paper versions of it here.  I have an autographed copy.
  • The Bikes of New York.  One of his classic free novellas.
  • The Secret Mathematic. His current serial.  He posts a new chapter about every week.  He’s currently up to chapter 28 (which I completed last night and which motivated me to post this).

My prior blog posts on his stuff are here.

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