Stop using Google!

[Update June 15, 2009 – Updated with Bing info]

Use Bing! Bing is sooo much better. Yes, I know "Google" has become a verb but the reality is

  1. Bing’s search results are (finally) better.
  2. Live’s mapping ( is far superior. Better directions, better satellite imaging, better local information, better looking, and easier to use.
  3. The search page loads just as fast as Google’s and is far more interesting (see below; every day the image changes twice…during the Olympics it’s a cool Olympic photo each time).
  4. You’re taking money from my kid’s mouths when you use Google.  (The only people who read my blog are my family and friends).



imageOh and while I’m shilling for my company’s cool products, if you have a Windows PC that includes Windows Media Center (Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows Vista Home Premium, or Windows Vista Ultimate) you absolutely HAVE TO at least try watching some events with it!  Go here to learn more:


image The user experience is really, really good, but most importantly you can watch hundreds of hours of Olympic coverage in HD quality anytime you want.

If you have an XBox360 as well, Windows Media Center and your XBox360 work VERY well together via something we call "Windows Media Center Extender".  The entire Media Center experience (including live TV or this cool Olympics application) are available on your XBox360 over your home network. I was instrumental in inventing this technology, so I’m a bit biased, but trust me…it really is great!

For example, I was able to watch the US Women’s soccer team beat Japan by simply turning on my XBox360 and pressing the "Green button" on the remote…3 days after the event.

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1 comment

  1. http:// says:

    I totally agree! I quit Google 6 months ago. Too many ads etc.

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