365 Days of Photos

On January 1, 2011 I started a project of posting a photo to Flickr, Facebook and Twitter every day. Today I concluded this project with the photo below:

Aloha 2011

I did this #photo365 project mostly as an experiment: to see if I could actually find enough interesting photos in my collection to last an entire year.

In the end, I think it worked out great. In some cases I posted freshly taken photos, such as this shot taken on my daughter’s 18th birthday and posted the day after:

Innertube Air on Christine's 18th Birthday

In most cases, though, I simply went through all of my thousands of photos and picked one I liked. I tried to mix it up and be somewhat thematic (summer pictures during the summer for example). But mostly it was random. 

I cheated a little bit: not all the photos were actually taken by me. My rule was they had to come out of my family’s photo collection which means that some were taken by my kids or my wife.  And in some cases the photos are historic family photos such as this shot of my father, grandfather, and great grandfather:

Father, Grandfather, Great Grandfather

I was pretty successful actually doing it every day. I would just pick 5 minutes while I was online and tweet/post.  I missed a few days here and there and had do do “make ups” where I’d post 3 or 4 shots in one day.

I got a lot of positive feedback on this project and that kept me going…it did become somewhat of a pain near the end when I started having to really dig deep to find good pictures.

When I have time I plan on taking the entire collection and building a super-high-resolution montage that I will print and frame.  It should be fun coding project as I have not found anything out there that appears to produce the result I am looking for.

You can see all 365 photos here in this Flickr set

All of my photos are licensed via creative commons with a free for non-commercial use, attribution required, license.

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1 comment

  1. a p says:

    I imagined you have tried Microsft AutoCollage?  http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/cambridge/projects/autocollage/

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