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STOP 0xC2 aka BAD_POOL_CALLER Blue Screen and bad memory My computer bluescreened with a STOP 0xC2, BAD_POOL_CAL... 7.9k views
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Retail Pricing, Markup, and Margins Tom’s Hardware is generally really solid. But they shou... 5.4k views
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Paying Developers is A Bad Idea The companies that make the most profit are those who b... 4.3k views
Be a Great Reader When an organization has a culture where the written wo... 4.2k views
Tag Archives: SR520
Use the 520 Bridge Toll to MAKE money
If you are self-employed or travel for business (not commuting) the IRS will allow you to deduct 55.5 cents a mile. The only trick is you need to track the business miles you drive and be able to produce a detailed log for your return. I have a whacky product idea that will make it brain-dead-simple for people to generate a mileage log at tax time. If I see enough interest it may push me …Continue reading