Lunar Eclipse – Wow!

Lunar EclipseI was driving the kids home tonight and we saw the Lunar Ecilpse. When we first saw it the Earth had cast a shadow across about 75% of the moon. We raced home so we could get out the binoculars and take a closer look before it was completely “red”.

We got home in plenty of time and while we watched the Red Sox win the World Series saw it get really dark and then saw it light up again. The view through our powerful binoculars was spectactular. The best I can remember seeing.

I started taking pictures about once every 5 minutes from the time we got home and was able to get a few really great shots. I have an extended lens for my Nikon Coolpix 5700 and it did a pretty good job of focusing and getting detail. The shot to the right was taken as the sun started hitting the moon again. Just darn cool!

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  1. Rod Trent says:

    VERY, VERY NICE! Unfortunately, I had too much to do with the kids’ halloween parties last night to even look up into the sky. But — oh, I was so looking forward to it. Thanks for the coverage!

  2. Ciam says:

    That is SO cool!

    I spent a while watching the eclipse, but didn’t have time to get the telescope out and just plain didn’t think of getting my camera. Just as well, since this shot is better than any I could have gotten!

    -Ciam Sawyer

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