More photos from Africa

Originally uploaded by ckindel.

I’m now about 1/3 of the way through organizing and filtering the over 4000 photos we took in Africa. I still haven’t geo tagged any, but I appreicate the pointers I have gotten from people on good tools to use. Click here to see my Flickr set containing a sampling of the best shots we took.

I’m off to Europe tomorrow to visit with Windows Home Server partners and to see some of CeBIT. So far it looks like Windows Home Server has made a great splash there. CeBIT is a bigger show than CES (if you can believe that). Given I don’t speak German, and Bablefish is not very good at translating German to English, I’ve had a hard time interpreting many of the blog posts and news articles that have appeared on the topic. But it’s fun to try.

Our PR guy, Joel, posted a blog entry with some links to CeBIT on the Windows Home Server Team Blog yesterday. Check it out.

I’m hoping that I can spend some time on the airplane reviewing more of these photos…

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