Stop Digital Amnesia

Stop Digital Amnesia SWAG
Originally uploaded by ckindel.
Have you checked out yet? We put this website together as a teaser for our announcement of Windows Home Server at CES. It is funny and informational!

This photo is of some of the SWAG we gave out at CES to go along with the marketing campaign.

Oh, and if you are posting screen shots of Windows Home Server on Flickr and tag them with “windowshomeserver”, “whs”, and “home server”. Then add them to the “Home Servers” Group.

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  1. Christoph says:

    Hi Charlie,

    I’ve seen the photo of the HP MediaSmart on the Flickr picture group. It looks very small … How many hdd’s can be in?



  2. PMSNet says:

    Where can we get some of this WHS swag? I’ve running b2 and touting this product as awesome. Considering the responses I’ve receved so far, once it ships I’ll already be installing 5 or more. I just hope release happens before xmas. 🙂

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