Book Review: Spook Country

Johnny Mnemonic, Neuromancer, Count Zero, Burning Chrome.  All phenomenal stories.  Some of my favorite reads.

The Difference Engine & Pattern Recognition: I never finished them. They just didn’t resonate with me.

But I still will buy anything William Gibson writes and give it a go. I just finished his latest novel, Spook Country and here are my thoughts…

In the end, it’s a great premise. I won’t spoil it for you but the premise is actually pretty funny. I appreciated the subtle humor and the fact that it was exposed to me until almost the very end.

But, overall I felt the book started too slowly, developed too randomly, and then ended to quickly.

Spook Country gets 3 stars from me. A good, worthwhile read, but nowhere near the caliber of, say Neuromancer.

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