The Future of Mobile

Video & Slides from this talk are here:


I will be presenting my thoughts on the future of mobile this Tuesday, August 28, 2012, from 6:00pm to 7:30pm at Thinkspace in Redmond.

If you’ve read my blog you know I have some pretty strong thoughts about how the mobile industry actually works. My goal for Tuesday is to drill into some of those ideas further.  In my experience most industry watchers are seriously myopic in their view of what is really going on. 

My goal with my talk is to help people understand the deeper structure of the mobile ecosystem and what is really going on between Apple, Google, Samsung, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, the carriers, developers, and consumers.

I hope you’ll be there!

I believe there is still space available.  You can register for the event here:

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  1. marceldevg says:

    Will it be streamed ?

  2. actech says:

    +1 – will it be streamed for us peasants not in the USA ?
    And will it include the recent development with Apple vs Samsung 🙂

  3. BenJ says:

    Sounds great. Agree with above and if not streaming maybe a recording or deck? Thanks.

    1. There is a plan to record it. We are working on a plan to stream it. I will try to let everyone know when I’ve got it figured out. thanks.

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