My “The Future of Mobile” Talk (Video/Slides)

I just wrapped up my “The Future of Mobile” talk at  I had a great time giving the talk and the event was sold out. Thanks to all that attended.

While I’ve written about the content and I talk about the topic with consulting clients regularly, this was the first time I had given this particular talk in public. I thought it would go over well, and I sensed it did.

If you missed the talk, the raw video can be found on ustream and the slides on slideshare.

Below is the video which was produced using the cool bootstrapped Seattle startup 9slides (makes it super easy to produce videos that go along with a set of slides).

If you would like me to give this talk, or any of my others, at your event, please contact me.

If you don’t (or for some reason can’t) view the 9slides version go here for the raw video:

Video on ustream

Much of what I discuss I have written about here on my blog.  Here are some of those posts:

A lot of my assertions are just that: assertions. They are opinions based on my experience working in the industry, talking with others, and reading of the tea-leaves.  I would love to hear your reaction. Please use comments below to let me know what you think.

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  1. Mark McLaren says:

    Great talk tonight, Charlie! It’s always nice to get a meta perspective from someone who has been there and knows how to put that big picture into intelligible language. You’ve got a new follower.

  2. MarcelDevG says:

    Thanks for the video!
    The best part was the questions.

    1. It will take some work, but I think I’m going to pull the questions out as separate videos. Should I?

      1. MarcelDevG says:

        That could be an option yes, for the regular visitors of this blog.

  3. Peter Chee says:

    Charlie, thanks for coming out and speaking. Everyone really enjoyed your presentation. You are a visionary and people appreciate your ability to discuss things in such a candid manner. Thanks for being a part of the Thinkspace community!

  4. guest says:

    Enjoyed listening to your talk via the video. Great insights. Would love an expansion on the Ballmer comments. But since that might not be PC, I’d be interested in hearing some of the things you’d do right now to give MS a better chance in the future.

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