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Why Nobody Can Copy Apple Horace Dediu has written another brilliant piece titled... 156.4k views
The Job Decision Matrix A Job Decision Matrix will help identify what is actual... 20.1k views
Path To Green A Path To Green (PTG) is a clear, crisp, and complete s... 13.3k views
You are Thinking of Your Career Trajectory Wrong Most people think about their career trajectory as bein... 10.6k views
The 5Ps: Achieving Focus in Any Endeavor Always have a plan. Always. A great, simple, framework... 8.2k views
STOP 0xC2 aka BAD_POOL_CALLER Blue Screen and bad memory My computer bluescreened with a STOP 0xC2, BAD_POOL_CAL... 7.8k views
Merit Badges – A Mental Model for Success The concept of a Merit Badge comes from the Boy Scouts... 7k views
Have Backbone, Disagree and Commit Have Backbone, Disagree and Commit Leaders are obligate... 6.9k views
Tenets Tenets are a few carefully articulated guiding principl... 6.4k views
Work Backwards From The Customer At the 1996 Microsoft Professional Developer Conference... 5.9k views
Customer, Business, Technology, Organization (CBTO) CBTO = Customer + Business + Technology + Organization 5.5k views
Retail Pricing, Markup, and Margins Tom’s Hardware is generally really solid. But they shou... 5.4k views
One-Way and Two-Way Doors Effective decision-making starts with understanding; in... 4.4k views
Paying Developers is A Bad Idea The companies that make the most profit are those who b... 4.3k views
Be a Great Reader When an organization has a culture where the written wo... 4.2k views
Tag Archives: buddy
Apps are Dead. Long Live Experiences.
I like to get people’s attention by asserting “apps are dead”. I do this because it causes people to pause and think about what “apps” really are. After Apple started the app explosion in 2008 most apps were primarily client-side code. Today, however, it is almost impossible to find an app that does not rely on at least some Internet based service. In fact the apps most people use most of the time are almost …Continue reading
Formally Advising The Buddy Platform
I love startups. I love developers. I love Seattle. Given that my own startup will be based in the Seattle area (news on that coming soon!) it is important to me that the Seattle startup scene thrives. I’ve thrown myself out to the community and have been blown away by all the great people and fantastic ideas. I’ve lost count now of how many early stage folks I’ve met with in the last 6 months. …Continue reading