Cat Skiing

Wow. My cat skiing trip was amazing. This was the 6th year I’ve done it and while the conditions were not as good as they had been in the past, the experience was still unbelievable. Now I have the task of updating my Revelstoke web site with all of the pictures (145+) and movies (45+ minutes) we took. I caught a bit of a cold and have been going to bed early so haven’t been able to get on it yet…

I’ll post here when I’ve updated the site (

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1 comment

  1. Lockie says:

    Great to hear your trip was good. We were at Chatter Creek at the end of Jan and got the first really good skiing after all that lousy weather. We got really good skiing, pretty well as good as it gets. Chatter Creek’s tenure is huge and they were able to last the 5 week drought in Feb/Mar with a good supply of unskied powder. We’ve got a load of new aerial photos of the Chatter Creek terrain which will be appearing shortly on the Chatter Creek Web site at: They are also on the Chatter News Weblog, (

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