Seattle Angel Conference

The Seattle Angel Conference event will be May 31st. Over the last two months, the investors and the applying companies have been in a due diligence and filtering process.

We would like to ask for your help to spread the word about this project and invite you to the event.

As I’ve written previously, a primary mission of the Seattle Angel Conference is to help people learn about the Angel investing process by engaging in a group based angel investment process.

We have 19 investors contributing. At the final event on May 31st, each of the finalists will present and the investors will vote on which of the finalists will receive the aggregate investment (roughly $100K).

Out of the 26 startups that applied this year, we are now down to the six finalists:

Homeschool Snowboarding

Homeschool creates the most durable highly breathable snowboard outerwear available. Keeping you warm and dry from the inside out.


A safety company working to impact the construction market by illuminating those who work and  recreate in low light environments.

Stockbox Grocers

Stockbox Grocers improves access to fresh produce and  grocery staples in urban food deserts to promote healthy  and thriving communities.

Buddy Platform

Buddy provides a cloud services backend for app developers on any OS platform, and incredibly high fidelity analytics for app publishers.


GetSatisfaction + for app developers. In less than 15 minutes, developers can get better ratings & direct customer relationships.

We are a B2C startup in the TechEd space for parents and their students in high school and middle school.

We view the Seattle Angel Conference as a long term investment in the Seattle startup community and you can still get involved in the following ways:

  • Join us at the gala event on May 31st. It is going to be a lot of fun with great speakers and pitches from the startups.

    You can register for the event on Eventbrite here.

  • If you are an accredited investor you can still join the investor pool. Contact John Sechrest if you are interested.
  • Check out the websites of our finalists and learn more about them.
  • Spread the word on Twitter: @nwangelconf (some example tweets below)
  • Like us on Facebook (

Hope to see you there!

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