Be as Excellent at Saying No as Saying Yes

While in Amman Jordan last month, I had the opportunity to speak at Amman Tech Tuesdays, a local startup event held every month there. I was asked to talk about what I’ve learned in my career to an audience of about 500 geeks and entrepreneurs.

I decided to talk about focus, a topic dear to my heart. The title of the talk is “Be as Excellent at Saying No as Saying Yes”.

Below the video of my talk captured by TechSparks. It is just over 6 minutes long.

I’m currently writing a longish post on what I learned in Jordan. Be looking for it.

Related posts on focus and decision making:

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  1. Michael Thomas says:

    I’m looking for it! 😉


    That stuff made me think again. And confirms what I am all about. The optimism and the will to believe in the impossible. Thank you for that motivation and the inspiration 🙂

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