Tag Archives: fragmentation

All of these Operating Systems are Fundamentally the Same

Another video interview I did for GLG Research at CES (another one here). In this one I babble about mobile device OSs and voice a few of my opinions about the current mobile operating system battles. Near the end (3:15) I talk about the point I care about the most: Users will start to care less about device operating systems and more about being able to experience services across all of their devices. I regularly …Continue reading

Wanting To Be The Other Guy

Below is a segment from a video interview I did for GLG Research at CES. In it I discuss the friction that exists between OEMs, carriers, and OS providers in the mobile ecosystem, complimenting my previous post “Fragmentation Is Not The End of Android” as well as the one where I explain the challenges Microsoft’s Windows Phone faces. This video is on GLG’s unfortunately named G+ network. I’d love to hear your thoughts & comments …Continue reading

Fragmentation Is Not The End of Android

The fragmentation of Android is very real and very problematic for end users, developers, mobile operators, device manufacturers, and Google. However fragmentation does not mean Android is going to “die” or “fail” as some seem to think. On the contrary I think we can count on Android playing a significant role in our world for a long, long time. I also am confident that Google has already lost control of Android and has zero chance …Continue reading