Open Office Hours with Tig

Last month I offered “office hours” to anyone who wanted to chat with me. It was an experiment to see

a) if interesting people would reach out,

b) if I could be useful to these people, and

c) if I’d be exposed to domains where I could spend more of my time in the future.

All three hypotheses have turned out true. Thank you to all of you who utilized this so far!

I still have no idea what I’m going to be doing in my next chapter, and I don’t plan on deciding anything soon.

One thing I do know is I’m continuing office hours! *Anyone* can use my FreeBusy Office Hours link to schedule time with me on *any* topic (well, let’s leave religion and politics out of it).

Office hours are FREE (I got feedback that people thought I was charging for this; it surprised me I needed to make this clear).

My only requirement is that you’ve read a few of my blog posts on CBTO topics. I will be changing the timeslots to be in the afternoons because mornings conflict with prime weekday skiing sessions.

Go here to sign-up for Open Office Hours:

I’m also ramping up engaging in more structured/formal executive coaching and consulting. Reach out ( if you are interested in a more formal engagement.

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