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Author Archives: tig
Windows Home Server is actually useful!
Today, instead of being the GM for Windows Home Server, I was simply a user… For the last two weeks my wife has been giving me the gears because the voicemail attachements from Vonage refused to play in Outlook on her computer. It was one of those weird software problems that defied logic. All other types of attachments opened fine. I could send her an email with a .wav file attached and it would play …Continue reading
10 years ago I had hair. I and I loved COM.
Somewhere Henk de Koning unearthed a video of me taken 10 years ago yesterday touting The Component Object model. Back then I was "the COM guy" and I had hair. Egads. "Don blogged about a video of Gudge explaining COM. This reminded me of an old video I found while cleaning up my office. I promised Don to digitize and publish it. So, here it is. Charlie Kindel on the wonderful world of COM. recorded …Continue reading
Book Review: Scorpion Down
In 1987 I was an intern at IBM Federal Systems Division in Manassas, VA. I was working on testing the software for the AN/BQQ-5D bow-mounted spherical array sonar system for the SSN 688 Class (Los Angeles) fast attack nuclear submarines. This was shortly after Tom Clancy had written The Hunt for Red October, one of my favorite books of all time. In fact, my "interview" for the internship was almost entirely a discussion about the …Continue reading
Book Review: Queen of Candesce: Book Two of Virga
Late last year I “discovered” Karl Schroeder when I read Sun of Suns: Book One of Virga. Recently he released the 2nd book of this series titled Queen of Candesce: Book Two of Virga and I finished it this weekend. Like the first book I thoroughly enjoyed it. Like the first book, I found a few too many “convenient” plot alignments. But overall, Karl paints an amazing picture of a “world” that is extraordinarily rich …Continue reading
The connections are eerie
Via my regular browsing of blog searches for Windows Home Server related stuff I came across this poor guy’s extremely sad story of data loss. First connection: He should have had a Windows Home Server. Second connection: As if to make himself feel better he adds a funny video from YouTube to his post. The Windows Home Server team has a great sense of humor. (Yes, this is a tenuous connection to be sure, …Continue reading
Book Review: Spook Country
Johnny Mnemonic, Neuromancer, Count Zero, Burning Chrome. All phenomenal stories. Some of my favorite reads. The Difference Engine & Pattern Recognition: I never finished them. They just didn’t resonate with me. But I still will buy anything William Gibson writes and give it a go. I just finished his latest novel, Spook Country and here are my thoughts… In the end, it’s a great premise. I won’t spoil it for you but the premise is …Continue reading
I want more life!
I like to like things somewhat off the beaten path. But when asked what my favorite movie of all time is, like almost everyone else I know who has even a smidgen of taste, I say “Blade Runner“. No need for me to wax poetic about how great it is. I mean it has been around for 25 years now, and if you don’t already dig it nothing I say will change your mind. I …Continue reading
PhotoSync for Windows Home Server
09-22-02 107.jpg Originally uploaded by ckindel I just updated my Windows Home Server with Ed Halloway’s PhotoSync Beta 2. This Add-in for Windows Home Server automatically ensures that all photos stored in a particular folder on your home server are automatically published to your Flickr account. I have a shared folder on my home server named \\server\screensaverpics. Every time we offload photos from a camera I copy a few of the really great photos to …Continue reading
I’ve always been a huge fan of Robert Ludlum. I started reading his books when I was in middle school. I don’t think the Bourne trilogy are his best works. I think The Osterman Weekend was my favorite. But with the Bourne Ultimatum coming out as a movie this week I felt I needed to go back and re-read the series. I frankly do not remember if I ever watched the first two movies or not. …Continue reading
A revolution is underway
Soma’s post announcing Popfly got me thinking. He uses the word “evolution”. I say it’s a revolution. Over 25 years ago I was part of a movement in the computer industry and didn’t even realize it. I was just a kid doing things on my Apple ][ I didn’t realize I had no business doing. I was a hobbyist developer. A bit later, in college, I wrote some of the earliest freeware & shareware for Windows. …Continue reading
Windows Home Server SDK
See my post over on the Windows Home Server team blog announcing the availabilty of the Windows Home Server SDK!
Am I a twit?
I’m getting old and I think some of this newfangled technology stuff is beyond me. But that doesn’t stop me from trying to understand (and use it). I learn by doing. I can’t learn by reading. So I started blogging mostly to learn how blogs and blogging really worked. I run 6 servers in my house so I understand how Exchange, SQL Server, Group Policy, etc…. really work. And now I’m trying Twitter because there …Continue reading
A Transparent Buzz
Man there’s been a buzz around transparency lately… I honestly don’t have any insight into some grand plan at Microsoft about blogging and transparency. I can only point to my own personal experieces, and I have a timely example: Last week a member of my team posted to the Windows Home Server Team blog a post about the statistics of the bug reports and feature requests we have received. A reporter saw this post and decided …Continue reading
Stop Digital Amnesia
Stop Digital Amnesia SWAG Originally uploaded by ckindel. Have you checked out yet? We put this website together as a teaser for our announcement of Windows Home Server at CES. It is funny and informational!This photo is of some of the SWAG we gave out at CES to go along with the marketing campaign.Oh, and if you are posting screen shots of Windows Home Server on Flickr and tag them with “windowshomeserver”, “whs”, and …Continue reading
More photos from Africa
Air Originally uploaded by ckindel. I’m now about 1/3 of the way through organizing and filtering the over 4000 photos we took in Africa. I still haven’t geo tagged any, but I appreicate the pointers I have gotten from people on good tools to use. Click here to see my Flickr set containing a sampling of the best shots we took.I’m off to Europe tomorrow to visit with Windows Home Server partners and to see …Continue reading
Using WHS Computer Backup to upgrade a PC
This morning I used Windows Home Server’s Compter Backup capability to “upgrade” my main workstation’s HDD. Here’s how I did it… My main PC at home has a 60GB WD Raptor 10k RPM drive in it. For some reason that escapes me, long ago I had configured it such that I was only using one of these drives and I had it partitioned into two partitions (C: 40GB and D: the rest). Why I did …Continue reading
ComputerWorld Review of Windows Home Server
ComputerWorld has a comprehesive review of Windows Home Server. “I found Home Server to be intuitive to use and very effective at backing up data as well as monitoring my home network’s health. Its simplicity and automation will make it a winner with many home users. More technically savvy users, however, may find its limitations frustrating. Microsoft has done a great job of hiding the complexities of server management in Home Server. … For my part, …Continue reading
Fake product screenshots
Fake Windows Home Server screen. This is weird. I can understand people who have too much time on their hands creating fake product images of products that are not available yet. For example all of the mocked up images of Apple’s products that show up on Engadget regularly.I get that.I also sorta get the fact that when the Wikipedia article for Windows Home Server appeared (the day we announced in January) it had a fake/mocked up …Continue reading
Back from Africa
Day 1 – Arusha to Serena 162 Originally uploaded by ckindel. We’re finally back from our amazing trip to East Africa. I thought I’d be able to jack in during our lay over at the Amsterdam airport and start to catch up on mail and start organizing photos. Almost 4000 of them. But it didn’t happen.I took my GPS with me and created track logs of everywhere we went. I’m really excited about geotagging all …Continue reading
Hello from the Serengeti
Day 1 – Arusha to Serena 162 Originally uploaded by ckindel. The “tent camp” we are staying at here in the Sergengeti has a PC with satellite “broadband” access. I was able to sequester it long enough to upload this image and type this post. So far, the sights have been pretty unbelievable. Lions, giraffes, hyeaneas, birds, cape buffalo, elephants, gizelles, … Over 1600 photos between the four of us so far and we’ve only …Continue reading